Is there a cure for dieting? Are you abusing the substance or is it abusing you? Have you been told to try harder or that you need more will power? Your eating habits or substance abuse challenges are not the result of laziness, gluttony, or weak will power. Your body is responding to what happened to it long before you gained too much weight or started using harmful substances. That body desperately needs help. More dieting, psychotherapy and pep talks won't lose the weight, straighten out your thinking or give you "enough willpower" to change. Your body needs a biochemical overhaul. You need an entirely new way to way to deal with these problems. We have that new way and we will help you learn it. We live in a world where food is not real, drugs are available anywhere, depression is higher than ever before and mental illness is the norm. It is not your fault. You are not lazy. It is not about will power, and pushing through. You crave in the afternoon. You need something to get through in the evening. You mask the pain with alcohol, drugs, sugar, and caffeine. Age-related and lifestyle-related disease can be repaired. Our bodies are amazing and they will heal if we let them. Weight loss will not happen while your body is not well. We can help. We realize that poor foods and substances have damaged the body, therefore it makes sense that biochemistry can repair that damage. Food is medicine and protein is an essential part of food needed in our bodies. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein that makes Serotonin, Endorphins, GABA and 3 Catecholamines; Dopamine, Epinephrine and adrenaline. These Neurotransmitters may be missing and we can help you add them back into your body, reducing the cravings for junk food, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and drugs.
This is a virtual business therefore the audience includes those who use and are comfortable with virtual interactions. They are economically able to support themselves and have a willingness to invest in their health improvements. The audience has two categories. The first category consists of individuals who have an addiction to alcohol or drugs and do not want to go to an in-residence rehabilitation facility. They are willing to use food and supplements including amino in their recovery. The second category consists of people who are overweight or have health problems and are willing to use food and supplements including amino acids to repair the damage in their body.
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The best Whitewater Rafting in Colorado, White Water Rafting Company offers rafting on the Colorado and Roaring Fork Rivers in Glenwood Springs. Since 1974, we have been family owned and operated, rafting the Shoshone section of Glenwood Canyon and beyond.
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Trips vary from mild and great for families, to trips exclusively for physically fit and experienced rafters. No matter what type of river adventures you are seeking, White Water Rafting Company can make it happen for you.
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HealthyHope.Life focuses on helping people with five types of addictions:
- Food/Sugar
- Drugs (street and prescription)
- Alcohol
- Cafeine
- Tobacco
Quitting is hard!
If you know or believe that you are addicted to any of these substances you have experienced many overwhelming challenges. Perhaps you have tried to quit or diet before, maybe many times. The craving never left and eventually you were back on again. You are far from alone. You will like what you will read here. Does yet another diet or trying to quit your adiction again scare you because one more failure may be one too many? Your family, friends, boss and others don’t believe you any more. If food is your addiction you need a diet from dieting. Where most rehab success rates are extremely low our techniques have above an 80% success rate. In the past you probably heard that you don’t have enough self control. The diet, addiction and craving challenge requires more than self control, more than an individual can muster from within. You need a way to reduce the cravings and get you back to where you were before the cravings became part of your life. The residential rehabs require a 30 day or longer stay and you cannot be away from work for that long. We agree and besides that, when you are finished you have to go back home. Although you have changed your normal circumstances are still the same. What was possible in the facility will be harder on your own. Your transition does not have to be that way. And there is the cost of a residential rehab program, especially the elite facilities that promise success. You need an option that is within financial reach.
HealthyHope.Life uses amino acid supplements, vitamins and minerals
to reduce and in many cases remove the cravings. Without the cravings you are more in control. Our program is conducted virtually so you don’t have to leave your job or home. You will learn how to function in your normal surroundings. Because you are not staying at an expensive facility you are only paying for the consultation and health protocol prepared specifically for you and any supplements, vitamins or minerals we recommend. The supplements are only used to get you past the cravings and healthy enough that your biochemistry can begin producing what is needed for a healthy body. Of course we will be teaching you about the foods that your body needs to stay healthy.
Images for the Home page
Background photo created by asierromero - www.freepik.com
Party photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
Background photo created by Waewkidja - www.freepik.com
Food photo created by azerbaijan_stockers - www.freepik.com
People photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
Food photo created by whatwolf - www.freepik.com
"Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash"
Photo by Valeriy Evtushenko on Unsplash
Real Food vs Fake Food
Food is amazing art. Sizzling grass-fed steak on a grill, broiled pasture raised chicken drizzled with coconut aminos. Roasted vegetables, fresh garden lettuce splashed balsamic vinegar and olive oil, crisp apples and juicy oranges and a tall glass of real whole milk with cream running down the side. These are examples of fresh, real food, full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Vs Cheerios with skim milk and toast spread with margarine, sugar laden cookies, pastries and donuts made with shortening, Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) raised meat full of antibiotics, factory raised chicken eggs, processed meat with nitrates, vegetable oil, white rice, pasta and flour, high fructose corn syrup is ketchup, soda, and so much more. Sugar, Sugar, Sugar. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is the cause of illness from heart disease to diabetes to arthritis and mental illness. Stress and poor nutritional intake combined with sedentary lives equals poor health. The solution IS a lifestyle change which gives a person the chance for health, longevity and well-being. HealthyHope.Life not only promotes REAL, whole food, but shares how to prepare it and explores the joy of eating well. The joy of food, the joy of cooking and the joy of creating food that is medicine and improves blood pressure, arteries, pain, and so much more.
Images for the Page 2
Food photo created by timolina - www.freepik.com
Food photo created by azerbaijan_stockers - www.freepik.com
FREE Introductory Offer
This is where you sign up for your FREE introductory quick assesment session. Before we can analyze your biochemical deficiencies, you need to submit a questionnaire that describes your symptoms. Once you have supplied us with your symptoms we will contact you for your free introductory assesment session. During the session we will discuss what your symptoms mean and what you can expect from our services. You will then decide if you want to implement our advice. After you implement our advice you can decide if the rest of our program is for you. At that point we will schedule a detailed assessment from which we will develop a full plan for your specific needs. Your circumstances will determine what needs done, how many sessions will be needed and how quickly you can proceed. Please complete all sections of the questionnaire.
The questionaire 4 sections of 2 lists of inputs each. I have the content will input the lists later.
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